Pick any religion. The god or concept at its center either possesses a will greater than your own or is a force greater than you. This is determinism. Cause and effect cascading down through the eons, your own physiology (including your thoughts) not under your control. What even are “you” anyway…?
#13 - You Are Not The Initiator of Anything (Free Will is a Myth Part 1)
I’ve been thinking / talking / writing about free will for a few years now. It’s become a bit of an obsession. Here I discuss how the capriciousness of memory retrieval is another indication that free will doesn’t exist. The episode starts with me referencing wanting to finally write my book on this topic, and that my daughter got me thinking about it that morning when she forgot where she’d left her boots.
#12 - Lao Tzu
A clip from a movie — Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot — when a dying alcoholic, played by Jonah Hill, quotes Lao Tzu.
#11 - Thanksgiving
Humans have made an impact on the planet. No question. Some of us are trying to do something about it. But it’s not about virtue, it’s not about comparing contributions.
Here’s why I’m thankful:
#10 - Arnold does Big Bang
After some heavy stuff, I’m going to have a little fun with the #10 episode of the Micro…
#9 - God is Comfort
I debated including this one. Well, okay, I debate most of these. Maybe all of them. And then something gives me a little push and I say, okay. Let’s do it.
I feel like this idea is fully expressed, insofar as its a simple idea, but, I think, profound in its implications. I shall say no more. I hope you enjoy:
#8 - We Can't Fix Any of Our Problems Until We Fix This
#7 - How Unprocessed Trauma Becomes the Devil
a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.
#6 - I'm British, innit?
At some point, my 16 year-old son started saying “I’m British, innit?” with a British accent. For fun. Naturally, I started doing it, too. And then we came up with a story for a superhero teenager who’s big power is that he’s secretly British.
But look out… he has a nemesis…
#5 - Creativity and Commerce
I recorded this and called it “I don’t know.” Which makes sense, because there’s so much I don’t know. But as it took shape I seemed to be saying something about creativity and commerce. What it’s like to be an artist in a capitalist society.
#4 - Obama Does Bob Seger
Just a little messing around…
#3 - The Hypocrisy of Mask Refusal
I break down why refusing to wear a COVID mask makes no sense given the conspiracy theories of the typical protester.
#2 - The Two Types of Religion
Ever wonder why one type of religion seems to serve the ego while the other seeks to transcend it? Or maybe that’s a false dichotomy? Let’s break it down and find out.
THE MICRO - Episode #1
Uncut, unfettered and straight from the heart, author TJ Brearton shares thoughts on God, politics, the media, the planet, the future and more in these 5-10 minute “micro” podcasts.