My garden. It sits somewhere between being a hobby and my ambitions to be self-reliant. We got an early start this year, growing indoors as early as March. Where we live, zone 3/4, it was snowing as late as mid-May, then in the nineties the week after. We call this the north country. After battling wild temperature swings, early ground-dwelling pests such as moles and voles, followed by the insect menaces known as cabbage worms, here are some pictures of a little midsummer harvest. (We’ve been eating lettuce and kale for several weeks, but these are the first cucumbers!)
midsummer harvest… from upper left counterclockwise: red salad bowl lettuce with some parsley and basil, emerald oak lettuce, green finger cucumbers, kale (dwarf blue curled)
tomato in July!
southeast corner of the garden
the first pumpkin sprout…
massive cukes!
So there you have it. The kale will work nicely in a miso soup. Cucumbers are good in a salad or just cut up in a dish with salt and pepper and a little vinegar — my daughters like to pour a little Italian dressing on. Hope you’re pulling out some good veggies and reading some good books!